Put your bloody top on

Dear all,


Well hot weather is finally upon us so therefore some trains have been cancelled because the tracks were too hot…dear God…but anyway it’s been a fun old time for me. First up was a holiday of all things! I went to the Isle of Barra in the Outer Hebrides with various family members for a few days and it was just wonderful. I had such a great time and felt so lucky to have so many great cousins, aunts and uncles. The place itself was beautiful as well, utterly fantastic.


I have to say of course – WELL DONE ANDY MURRAY! I love Wimbledon and I never thought that day would come. It was really special and I can honestly say I’ve never felt so excited and tense about sport apart from Liverpool of course. It was a wonderful victory and a great day for the country. It made everyone happy (apart from the silly anti-Scottish man who was in the pub, what a prat) and that was marvellous.


Since my last blog, I’ve also been in gig action with an appearance at National Forest Folk Festival. What a bloody great gig that was! A wonderful reception and lots of CD’s sold so many thanks to everyone there for making it so wonderful. Sadly bad luck struck one of my heroes the legendary Graeme Taylor, guitarist of Saturday headliners Home Service. In a freak accident he broke his leg before the gig and had to go to hospital. I wish him well and hope he makes a speedy recovery.


So then, rant for the week. I know it’s hot and stuff but I really do hate this thing of men walking about with their tops off. It doesn’t make any difference whatsoever, unless you’re wearing a t-shirt thicker than a coat you’re not going to be any less hot without your top on. Plus why is it that everyone who walks around with their top off does that bloody silly walk that’s meant to look tough but in fact looks like they’ve got really heavy feet? So do us a favour and put your bloody top on!